Their ‘thing’ is steak. On a hot rock. A really hot rock. We had to remind my dad what the young waiter had said;
‘It’s hot and it WILL burn if you touch it!’.
This young lad is wasted as a waiter. He has a glittering career as a health and safety officer ahead of him. We spent the entire evening watching the twinkle in my dad’s eye which means one thing. “I need to touch that…’.
Crisis averted. The meal was lovely and the hot rock was novel entertainment as it cooked the food in front of you. I should mention here that the grandparents opted out of the hot rock experience. They didn’t trust it. Although both agreed they would try it next time.
As I mentioned earlier, and as my name suggests I am all about the baked goods. For a steak restaurant in Wigan, this place did a belting range of home made puddings! I had a trio of mini desserts, but in true ‘pig of the week’ style, I made my husband get a different one so I could try that one too! He didn’t even want a dessert… My mum also had help in choosing hers!
My platter included an apple pie with custard, cheesecake and citrus tart. All delectably dreamy in their own special way!
After trying the daddy of sticky toffee puddings at Sharrow Bay, I can’t resist sampling it when I see it on a menu. This one was really light with a sweet toffee sauce. It could have been improved with some decent ice cream though.
The Pear Frangipane tart was also a little bit special. Just a shame the presentation was spoiled by a splodge of marigold yellow custard (no complaints about the way the custard tasted though!)
Summat to Ate is right in the centre of Hindley, and was only a 15 minute drive from Horwich. They have some fantastic deals on, but all the food is reasonably priced. Just make sure you have a dessert…
Disclaimer: I went to Summat to Ate and had bits of five different desserts because I am a greedy pig, not because I was paid to write a review.
Read more about the restaurant here: Summat to Ate

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