Next week is National Cupcake Week, so I though what better way to celebrate than with a cupcake book review! Celebrations start from 17th September through to 23rd. I'm not actually home for the festivities, so I thought it best to do something beforehand. This month's Calendar Cakes Challenge is cupcake related too, so it's a match made in heaven!

The book teaches you how to:

- pipe buttercream
- make sugar paste more maleable using CMC
- colour suger paste
- make effects e.g. flames and sky
- create people and animals
- create special finishes e.g. lustres and water ripples
- make crafty display ideas
- transport safely (every cake clubber reading this just straightened up in their chair...)
It also includes really creative decoration ideas which I have never seen on commercial cupcakes. They fall into four categories:
- Barnyard Fun - animals, including lambs, cows, sheep, dogs and blackbirds.
- Spaced Out - aliens, astronauts, rockets, planets and stars.
- Dressing Up - ambulances, fire, police, doctors and nurses, the army and pop stars.
- Fairytales and Adventure - pirates, mermaids, fairies and knights.
If you fancy having a bash at a bit of decorating over National Cupcake Week, pick up this fab little book. Don't forget to enter your creations into the Calendar Cakes Challenge too!
Publisher: David and Charles, 2012
Disclaimer: I reviewed this book because it's perfect for National Cupcake Week.
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im in love with whatever nozzle used underneath the little fondant toppings!